fredag 10. oktober 2008

Hvordan globalistene tok kontroll

6 trinn som globalistene har brukt for å oppnå full kontroll over verdensøkonomien:

- Loan or give money to governments to get political influence
-cash in that influence to obtain an exclusive franchisce to produce nations money (sentralbankene)
- use this privledge to make money out of nothing
-use that money not to spend it, but to lend it to governments and private sector and collect interest on it
-use this wealth and political influence to consolidate control over government, institutions and media to direct all aspects of national life
- coordinate this control with other branches of the cabal in other countries to further international objectives to the eventual creation of a de facto world government, totalitarian in nature, with themselves in the scenes.

Kilde: Dr. Griffin Edwards ' The reality of money' og Professor Carrol Quigley 'Tradegy & hope'

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